Friday, July 22, 2011

Working from home

For the past 6 years, I've been so fortunate to be able to work from home. I love the flexibility of being able to work when things need to be done. I love sending the kids off to the bus and sitting down to my laptop in my pajama's.

Then there is Charlie. He thinks he's the center of the universe. He likes to lay down at that tiny spot between the keyboard and you and cuddle with your chest. It's only slightly annoying when you are trying to get minutes done as quickly as possible since you've put them off for a month. It's even more annoying when he thinks my work time is his nap time--on the laptop keyboard!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Time has flown...

Whoa, Dec 2008 was my last blog post?????? Time has flown by. We now have one week left of Ben in the 4th grade and Molly in 2nd. They've both had a great year and excelled at their school work. They've both finished up a great year of baseball. Ben's team managed to win one game. Not bad considering they were playing at the Majors level with most players with Minors level experience. Molly is done with coach pitch and will start softball next spring. My little lefty thinks she should be a pitcher. One more week of ballet. Molly did a great job at her recital last week. It will be nice to have a week of nothing before we start up with baseball camp, VBS and swimmin lessons.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Last entry of '08

Here is a picture of Molly after she lost her second tooth.
I can hardly believe it. 2008 is ending. Just one more day. We've had quite the year. As I reflect, I realize how much I enjoy my children are both old enough to be in school. The fighting of the past week and a half is only compounded by the 2 feet of snow still remaining outside.

Hope you had a fantastic holiday season. Julie

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A silent house...

Do you hear that??? Neither do I. That's the sound of silence. Its been one week since school started. The first few days I had too much going on to enjoy it.'s heaven. The only footsteps I hear are Ruby's. And she's usually just waking up from a nap and needs to check on me.

Ben and Molly are both enjoying school. Ben is happy to be with his friends. Molly tells me everyday she's made a new friend. She seems to be adjusting well except being exhausted when she gets home. Last night she asked me to tuck her in at about 6:20. Who am I to say no to that request? She woke up happy and ready to go this morning.

Now I'm off to clean Ben's room. And by clean, I mean removing everything on the floor that I've been telling him to put away for the last few weeks. He's been warned that one day he might find all his toys on the floor gone. Time to learn Mom means business. Molly's room has always been clean. If you tell her to clean it, she does.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Molly is 5

Here is a picture of my birthday girl (well, I'll post one when the blogger will let me). We celebrated her birthday with a barbecue with lots of friends and family. Molly's favorite part was the pinata. Her favorite gifts include a Tinkerbell bank and a Bitty Baby (American Girl Doll). I just can't believe she's 5. In 37 days, she will be a kindergartener, not that I'm counting :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

He knows...

It started of this morning. "Mom!!! The TOOTH FAIRY FORGET TO COME!!!!" I made some comment about maybe she came but he was awake so she'd have to come back tonight. Just awhile ago I was talking to Ben about it to make sure he wasn't upset. He looked right at me and said "I think YOU are the tooth fairy and YOU forgot!!" Then came the Santa real? What about the Easter Bunny? Will I still get presents?? He wanted the truth and I was honest. I told him it was fun to believe in things. I also had to tell him NOT to tell Molly!! I told her she needed to be able to believe just like he had and it would be our secret about the truth. I feel as though some innocence has been lost with the realization of the truth about the tooth fairy.

I want to wish Valerie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today. I can't believe she's 16 today. 16 years ago today I was starting at Pietro's. 10 years ago I was up in Anchorage visiting Valerie for her 6th birthday (and her wedding to her imaginary friend Gangy!). 9 years ago I was eyeball deep with my wedding just 20 days away. 7 years ago, I had a 6 month old son. 5 years ago I was hugely pregnant, chasing a 2 1/2 year old. 1 year ago, we moved into our house. Here's to another exciting July!!


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week #1 of summer break...

We have managed to survive the first full week of summer break. I'm so amazed at the fighting from the moment they wake up, to the moment they go to bed. What do they fight about?? EVERYTHING. What they are going to watch, what they are going to play, who gets the swing next to the slide, who gets to feed the dog, who gets to brush their teeth first, who gets tucked in first, which side of the couch to lay on...I tell ya, it's enough to go crazy. Next week, they get to spend a couple mornings at daycare so I can actually put in a few hours of work. How many days left until school starts????